Distance Running and the Good Side of Gambling

T wo years ago today I ran my first (and only) ultra trail race at the Sulphur Springs 50km in Ancaster, Ontario. The first half of the race felt amazing. I'd done the training and I mean, I was flying. I even felt good until after the massive hill around the 29km mark... Then, at the 30km turn-around I realized I was in trouble. As I headed back down the hill a woman I'd been keying off for much of the race pulled away, gradually out of sight. (She'd eventually beat me by over 25 mins.) I wanted badly to go with her. Alas, the wheels came off. It's an interesting feeling to be engaged in an activity where your mind and body are at odds. My body was screaming at me to chill. My mind wanted a sprint. The compromise was that I didn't stop running and was able to stay in the top 30% of the field. If my body had its way, I'd have quit. If my mind had its way, I'd have been up at the front, challenging the eventual winner, my friend and then coach Andrew Yorke. ...